NieR : Automata

City Ruins: In her mind.Endings: もう関係ありません。

Flooded City: In her heart.Endings: もう終わったんですよ。

Forest Zone: In her battlefield.Endings: 過去の傷を癒す時だ。
Jam out to a NieR Automata track while you read!

In her mind, she constantly ponders if her decision to abandon YoRHa, her allies, and her only reason for existing was the right choice. With a new life available to her, full of freedom, she has taken a more proactive role: becoming the defender of Earth and its inhabitants. Under this role, 2B has become a newer version of herself; no restraints, no endless battles, no endless cycle of life and death, she adopts a new identity as Octavia to signify this new beginning.Everything that lives is designed to end”, a phrase that Octavia speaks often to those who ask why she abandoned her previous life. Her MUJOKAN, this view of impermanence, helps her understand that many things in life, and life in general, is subject to change and keeps her emotionally stable and Octavia ensures that every little enjoyable moment is deeply savored and cherished.
However, this perspective — based on the transient and illusory nature of everything within life — operates as a double edged sword. In the moments of solitude, in the early mornings or late nights, Octavia is left anxious and dreadful of the days that her friendships will end, her world will be in too much danger that she will be useless, and it is a constant source of anxiety.

In her heart, she yearns for understanding and forgiveness. Octavia displays much more emotion than previous 2B models: sadness, anger, frustration, dread, all emotions are completely present without any reason to restrain them. She struggles, sometimes, to keep these emotions in check and to understand them. Because her understanding of what it means to be human is limited, she turns to literature to connect with humanity of the past and calm down. She has a vast stockpile of poems, novels, autobiographies, etc. anything to keep help her understand the complex emotions humans felt in the past as well as to pass the time with their works.With her mini library in her personal quarters at the Resistance Camp, she hopes that the vast collection of literature will help her find the ability to forgive herself for her sin of abandoning her previous life.

In her battlefield, she vigorously defends her home and nothing will stop her. Octavia constantly seeks to better herself mentally and physically. Once she’s locked in, the battlefield is her stage and she is the ballerina. Her sword, Virtuous Contract, cuts through machine life forms like butter and she is able to elegantly manipulate it in her hands and around her body to keep up the offensive. Without her sword, her fists are also viable weapons that punch through wood, machine life forms, and stone. Furthermore, she is efficient with multiple types of weaponry such as spears, gauntlets, firearms, pole arms, swords, knives, and a variety of other weaponry.
Octavia’s special set of Virtuous weaponry are scattered around various regions, in hidden locations, for the future generations of warriors to find alongside a handwritten note that details a wide variety of information that is imperative for them to know. Her hope is that, the day that she passes away, other protectors will rise up in her place and pass down the generational duty of defending the Earth.